TALKABOUT assessment tool (CD rom) – this is an easy tool to assess the person using a rating scale and you end up with a visual representation of their strengths and needs in the shape of a wheel. It is simple to use and easy to analyse and people generally love the visual nature of the assessment and summary wheel.
TALKABOUT Board Game – this is an excellent additional activity to play with your group. I often use it at the end of term to recap on some of the things we have learned. It can be played at the 5 different levels of Talkabout so for example easy challenges are on their self awarenessand harder ones are on conversational skills or assertiveness.
TALKABOUT Cards – these are good for ideas for quick group cohesion activities – there are 2 box sets – one for general group cohesion games and one where the games are also to develop self awareness.
The TALKABOUT cards – group cohesion and self-awareness – these give you loads of ideas for group cohesion games and pictures to make the activities more appealing and accessible for some.
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